All men should have a drop of treason in their veins, if nations are not to go soft like so many sleepy pears.
A strong hatred is the best lamp to bear in our hands as we go over the dark places of life, cutting away the dead things men tell us to revere.
The main difference between men and women is that men are lunatics and women are idiots.
I only like two kinds of men, domestic and imported.
I only have 'yes' men around me. Who needs 'no' men?
It's not the men in my life that count, it's the life in my men.
Ten men waiting for me at the door? Send one of them home, I'm tired.
When women go wrong, men go right after them.
Personally, I like two types of men - domestic and foreign.
A person like myself, born and raised in the inner city of Atlanta, Georgia, to lower-middle-class parents. But I had the opportunity to get an education, to go and earn a commission in the United States Army, to serve for 22 years, to lead men and women in combat.
I always read that men don't like intelligent girls, but I've always found the reverse.
Rebecca is an example of how not to manage men. The rules of the game never change, it requires subtlety.
Women's courage is rather different from men's. The fact that women have to bring up children and look after husbands makes them braver at facing long-term issues, such as illness. Men are more immediately courageous. Lots of people are brave in battle.
Brave men do not gather by thousands to torture and murder a single individual, so gagged and bound he cannot make even feeble resistance or defense.
In fact, for all kinds of offenses - and, for no offenses - from murders to misdemeanors, men and women are put to death without judge or jury; so that, although the political excuse was no longer necessary, the wholesale murder of human beings went on just the same.