Better to be driven out from among men than to be disliked by children.
'God's plan' is often a front for men's plans and a cover for inadequacy, ignorance, and evil.
They really do a disservice because these men and women came out of the Depression, they came out of the war.
No poll can equal the day-to-day visits of the men and women of the Democratic Party.
What most men desire is a virgin who is a whore.
The machine has had a pernicious effect upon virtue, pity, and love, and young men used to machines which induce inertia, and fear, are near impotent.
Men are mad most of their lives; few live sane, fewer die so. The acts of people are baffling unless we realize that their wits are disordered. Man is driven to justice by his lunacy.
As in Athens, the right to participate was restricted to men, just as it was also in all later democracies and republics until the twentieth century.
A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.
Did they preach one thing and practice another, these men of God?
Men of Virginia, countrymen of Washington, of Patrick Henry, of Jefferson, and of Madison, will ye be true to your constitutional faith?
Men of New England, I hold you to the doctrines of liberty which ye inherit from your Puritan forefathers.
It seems to me that one thing people do over and over again is try to figure out how to get married, stay married, fall in love, how to rekindle all this stuff. It seems to me to be a pretty eternal theme so I don't know if you can get typecast from making movies about men relating to women. It seems to be what is going on on the planet a lot.
Anger is an expensive luxury in which only men of certain income can indulge.
Nature makes woman to be won and men to win.