The existence of an area of free land, its continuous recession, and the advance of American settlement, explain American development.
This land, this water, this air, this planet - this is our legacy to our young.
My father's generation gave to my generation a land of wealth and purpose and world economic dominance.
It is a comfortable feeling to know that you stand on your own ground. Land is about the only thing that can't fly away.
Village cricket spread fast through the land.
The immense cities lie basking on the beaches of the continent like whales that have taken to the land.
The land of my fathers. My fathers can have it.
We live in a land like no other - a land of freedom and opportunity unparalleled on the face of the globe.
Xenophobia manifests itself especially against civilizations and cultures that are weak because they lack economic resources, means of subsistence or land. So nomadic people are the first targets of this kind of aggression.
Movies give me an opportunity to go places. I'm not only a Swede but an American, not just a man of my time, but I've been living 2,000 years ago-and not just in a new country, America, but in the Holy Land, too.
Now that we have a democracy and you can go back and the airport air is not laden with evil any more, you can actually breathe oxygen when you land in Johannesburg.
You might as well try and dam Niagara Falls with toothpicks as to stop the reform wave sweeping our land.
The main consideration with those who, possessing some capital, propose to emigrate as the means of improving their condition, is, the society likely to be found in the land fixed on for their future residence.
And I think in your 40s, you land a little bit, physically and mentally, you arrive at a place where you feel you've learned some stuff. Having children at that point meant I had something very useful to do for the next 20 years.
It is not because I do not love my adopted land - it is the natural feeling of one far from home, who remembers those happy, carefree days when life flowed at full tide, without responsibility, flashing past one like the drama in a fascinating story of adventure and romance.