It's a tough time my friends. We need to make sacrifices to ensure our troops have the tools they need in order to get the job done. This budget will help us win the War on Terror.
Our economy is robust and will remain strong as more Americans who want a job find one. Republican economic policies based on tax relief are working for the American people.
You see, we all want the same things. We want to be able to take care of our families, provide for our children, to have a roof over our heads and a good-paying job.
I think that the job of poetry, its political job, is to refresh the idea of justice, which is going dead in us all the time.
I don't know if I'm going to do any more acting. It's a great job, you know? Make a movie? Why not?
I don't think I've found the perfect job for me, but I know what I like, so that's halfway there, right?
After Survivor, I was driving across country and moving to San Francisco, going to get a job interning at an ad agency. And then they asked me to read for this movie.
I wish I knew what was next. I got this movie without planning to. I'm really excited to be continuing in film because it's a great job but I have my portfolio and resume for any other opportunity.
This is a job and Survivor is a game show. So, this is something to take seriously and work really hard at.
Also I'm a part of the people that I've worked with in baseball that have been so great to me, Mr. Earl Mann of Atlanta, who gave me my first baseball broadcasting job.
I'd like to be remembered as someone who showed up for the job. I consider myself a worker.
It's good to go out and entertain these people, and you've got them on the edge of their seat, they're standing up. Then you know that you've done your job, you've entertained them. My way of entertaining them is going out and wrestling. Everyone's got their different ways.
A lot of it, as it is in any job in life, is being in the right place at the right time.
If I started worrying about how my constituents are going to react to every move I make, I wouldn't be able to do my job here. I'll do what I think is right and explain it later.
Seeing what happens when you rip yourself open is what your job is all about.