The American character looks always as if it had just had a rather bad haircut, which gives it, in our eyes at any rate, a greater humanity than the European, which even among its beggars has an all too professional air.
So long as you are ready to die for humanity, the life of your country is immortal.
God has given you your country as cradle, and humanity as mother; you cannot rightly love your brethren of the cradle if you love not the common mother.
Giving parties is a trivial avocation, but it pays the dues for my union card in humanity.
We owe to the Middle Ages the two worst inventions of humanity - romantic love and gunpowder.
Culture, which makes talent shine, is not completely ours either, nor can we place it solely at our disposal. Rather, it belongs mainly to our country, which gave it to us, and to humanity, from which we receive it as a birthright.
In recognizing the humanity of our fellow beings, we pay ourselves the highest tribute.
Every day sees humanity more victorious in the struggle with space and time.
The Freudian theory is one of the most important foundation stones for an edifice to be built by future generations, the dwelling of a freer and wiser humanity.
Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.
We cannot but feel uneasy about the losses caused by humanity themselves. Apart from the losses of life and property in destructive wars, the environment and natural resources are also being destroyed by human hands.
Humanity is made up of an infinity of different individuals. Each of us travels for motives exclusively his own.
To the press alone, chequered as it is with abuses, the world is indebted for all the triumphs which have been gained by reason and humanity over error and oppression.
Certain periods in history suddenly lift humanity to an observation point where a clear light falls upon a world previously dark.
I am not yet born; O fill me with strength against those who would freeze my humanity.