Change is not a destination, just as hope is not a strategy.
There is hope and a kind of beauty in there somewhere, if you look for it.
What I love about how my career has gone up to this point is that I've always, always put my head down on my pillow at night, and I've been able to say that I've done, honestly, what I've felt like I wanted to do. And that's really all you can hope for in everything you do.
I still don't like doing interviews. I hardly do any... I hope this will be the last one for a long while.
Hope, the best comfort of our imperfect condition.
I'm voting for Gore because the other is unthinkable. Which most of us will probably do. I hope all of us. I've always liked Ralph Nader and would like to see a real third party, but the thought of George Bush as president is unthinkable.
I hope we can get back to what I call the kitchen table. Everyday issues that people are really worried about and focused on.
What can you do if a part of it is uphill? You can't work out another route. You've just got to run the one they give you. But they tell me London is a nice course. Even the cobbles, I hope, are not very much of a problem for me.
I hope to refine music, study it, try to find some area that I can unlock. I don't quite know how to explain it but it's there. These can't be the only notes in the world, there's got to be other notes some place, in some dimension, between the cracks on the piano keys.
The comfortable estate of widowhood is the only hope that keeps up a wife's spirits.
Chance has never yet satisfied the hope of a suffering people.
I do hope that our spring will be starting shortly and we will all be able to enjoy some sunshine again.
You can be diagnosed and treated early. And there is hope for the future.
That's one of the things I hope that the book can do, is to restore some dignity to Joe Cinque.
We were in a great, seething moment in the 1970s. There was a new Labour government and everything seemed full of hope... But, as we got older and we saw how much women's behaviour contributed to what was wrong, we stopped being able to see ourselves purely as.