And I came close to losing a part of my foot on two occasions. I hope I'm consistently lucky and that the next time I develop a blister or step on something sharp, that I don't go as far as I did on those two times.
Hope is the most exciting thing there is in life.
People have said to me 'I hope you won't let happen in Washington what is happening in Kansas.'
I hope it goes beyond meeting with them to a willingness to listen and compromise on issues.
In this world you've just got to hope for the best and prepare for the worst and take whatever God sends.
I hope that you will learn to take responsibility for your decisions. don't take counsel of your fears.
I'm not qualified to do anything else. So there better be another job. I'm kind of stuck now. I'm enjoying my life and I'm enjoying my work, and I'm enjoying the fact that the work I'm doing is garnering some interest and that's great. I just hope that it continues.
You hope and pray that you'll get involved with a director that you understand and who has the same sensibility as you do and knows how to push you and bring out the best in you.
You don't necessarily live for the moment; you live for hope-what you're going to get, what you're going to say, what you're going to think.
I use rock and jazz and blues rhythms because I love that music. I hope my poetry has a relationship with good-time rock'n roll.
I have met a few Casanovas I like and a few I have not liked - and I hope to meet a few more.
If there's one thing I hope people are certain of it's this: I'm looking out for YOU - the taxpayer.
My only hope to receive love is to let you see who I am, then I may believe you.
Why are we so full of restraint? Why do we not give in all directions? Is it fear of losing ourselves? Until we do lose ourselves there is no hope of finding ourselves.
I think it's a mistake to ever look for hope outside of one's self.