Religions, which condemn the pleasures of sense, drive men to seek the pleasures of power. Throughout history power has been the vice of the ascetic.
In this world without quiet corners, there can be no easy escapes from history, from hullabaloo, from terrible, unquiet fuss.
Throughout human history, the apostles of purity, those who have claimed to possess a total explanation, have wrought havoc among mere mixed-up human beings.
From tea parties to the election in Massachusetts, we are witnessing the single greatest political pushback in American history.
I am privileged to be a citizen of the single greatest society in all of human history.
When you say things like, 'We have to wipe out the Taliban,' what does that mean? The Taliban is not a fixed number of people. The Taliban is an ideology that has sprung out of a history that, you know, America created anyway.
The library is the temple of learning, and learning has liberated more people than all the wars in history.
I'm really excited to be a part of it and sharing the legacy, any documentary I look up at the sky and Kevin Burns did and Bryan did and showed me again you know the history that's in this character and you know.
There are more people living in freedom today than at any other time in the history of the human race.
History... is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake.
I have to bring to your notice a terrifying reality: with the development of nuclear weapons Man has acquired, for the first time in history, the technical means to destroy the whole of civilization in a single act.
The law reports in newspapers contain perhaps the only real history of England that has any relation to truth.
American time has stretched around the world. It has become the dominant tempo of modern history, especially of the history of Europe.
The aim of every authentic artist is not to conform to the history of art, but to release himself from it in order to replace it with his own history.
Racial history is therefore natural history and the mysticism of the soul at one and the same time; but the history of the religion of the blood, conversely, is the great world story of the rise and downfall of peoples, their heroes and thinkers, their inventors and artists.