Most of the time you will fail, but you will also occasionally succeed. Those occasional successes make all the hard work and sacrifice worthwhile.
There is no obstacle in the path of young people who are poor or members of minority groups that hard work and preparation cannot cure.
Acting is fun for me and it doesn't really matter how, whether it's hard work or easy work, it's always fun.
Life is often compared to a marathon, but I think it is more like being a sprinter; long stretches of hard work punctuated by brief moments in which we are given the opportunity to perform at our best.
My mother was the influence in my life. She was strong; she had great faith in the ultimate triumph of justice and hard work. She believed passionately in education.
Bands today have to learn their craft by putting the hard work in that we did when we were young performers.
If I wasn't dyslexic, I probably wouldn't have won the Games. If I had been a better reader, then that would have come easily, sports would have come easily... and I never would have realized that the way you get ahead in life is hard work.
Since the day he came into office, President Bush has worked to gut more than 34 years of hard work by weakening many of our Nation's standing environmental laws, some of which were signed into law by his father.
The dream doesn't lie in victimization or blame; it lies in hard work, determination and a good education.
No, I don't believe in hard work. If something is hard, leave it. Let it come to you. Let it happen.
If there is dissatisfaction with the status quo, good. If there is ferment, so much the better. If there is restlessness, I am pleased. Then let there be ideas, and hard thought, and hard work. If man feels small, let man make himself bigger.
I believe in work, hard work, and long hours of work. Men do not breakdown from overwork, but from worry and dissipation.
Without hard work, nothing grows but weeds.
Reality is easy. It's deception that's the hard work.
Because, you know, it's never a hard work when you enjoy yourself. Look, I've been here since 57 years, and I don't have to explain why I've stayed so long. I always enjoyed it.