As our federal government has grown too large and too powerful, the real loss has been the freedom of people to govern their own lives and participate fully in the American dream.
The phenomenon of home schooling is a wonderful example of the American can-do attitude. Growing numbers of parents have become disenchanted with government-run public schools. Many parents have simply taken matters into their own hands, literally.
The real cure for what ails our health care system today is less government and more freedom.
There is something fundamentally unfair about a government that takes away so much of people's money, power, and personal control while telling them that life will be better as a result.
We must guard against the overreaching hand of big government trying to take away our freedom. And we must always protect the environment in a manner consistent with our values.
Since the tragedies, the Department of Homeland Security was established to prevent terrorist attacks within the United States, and most importantly, to share intelligence information among government agencies and departments.
A government operates and acts differently than a company. So all we want to do is get some transparency here and then determine if the deal should go forward.
Social Security is one of the greatest achievements of the American government, protecting our elderly against poverty and assuring young people of a more secure future.
A government of, for and by the people, requires much from the people.
I cannot allow state government to continue to be consumed by this game of political 'gotcha.'
State government has too often been used to look out for the insiders and not the citizens. This has insulated poverty from progress, and need from remedy.
Government cannot do everything, so we need to first decide what government ought to be doing, then figure out what it's capable of doing, and then follow the jobs we choose to completion.
The greatest threat to the security of the people of North Korea comes from the government of North Korea.
Our government shouldn't tell us where to travel and where not to travel.
Our troops are committed to bringing security to Iraq while its government matures. American forces will continue to accomplish their mission with caution, precision and honor with the thanks of a grateful nation.