You have to remember that when I met Elvis, you know, it wasn't the fanfare that it is today or even when he was here in the states and I was in Germany growing up.
We're here so that Afghanistan does not once again become a sanctuary for transnational extremists the way it was when al-Qaeda planned the 9/11 attacks in the Kandahar area, conducted the initial training for the attackers in training camps in Afghanistan before they moved on to Germany and then to U.S. flight schools.
Names and individuals are unimportant when Germany's final fate is at stake.
To walk through the ruined cities of Germany is to feel an actual doubt about the continuity of civilization.
We said we would leave no stone unturned to get to Germany and now we are applying the same philosophy towards our tournament preparations.
In World War II in Germany, we had a ration for one U.S. soldier, or one allied soldier for every twenty inhabitants. The ratio in Iraq is about one for a hundred and sixty.
The reason given by the President in asking Congress to declare war against Germany is that the German government has declared certain war zones, within which, by the use of submarines, she sinks, without notice, American ships and destroys American lives.
We ought to disarm Germany completely.
I got to go to Malaysia, Germany, Switzerland, Madrid, America.
The biggest trading partner of the United States is not West Germany or Japan, it's right here.
I think this could be our best victory over Germany since the war.
We are Christians by the same title as we are natives of Perigord or Germany.
I've always traveled, as a kid my parents moved me around, a different place in Germany every four years. But I got the travel bug when I was a kid, living in different countries.
I had been involved in U.S. intelligence in Berlin, Germany, while in the military and had worked with a contact with the Central Intelligence Agency office there.
Germany expected that at the most a day or so would see Belgian resistance broken and the dash on Paris begun. It was not safe to start such a forward rush with Belgium unconquered.