Those religions that are oppressive to women are also against democracy, human rights, and freedom of expression.
One of the best kept secrets in America is that people are aching to make a commitment, if they only had the freedom and environment in which to do so.
With representation there to do the speaking, the guilty are suddenly given the freedom that comes with hiding behind the fact that they never said that - in fact, they never said anything!
There is nothing wrong with intellectual differences flowing from freedom of thought as long as such differences remain confined to intellectual debates.
We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home.
As we continue to fight the war on terror, we express our gratitude to our troops whose valor over the last three years provided freedom to the Iraqis, while protecting our liberty here at home.
The dedication of the United States Air Force, Special Forces, and others involved in the mission to tracking down terrorists can not be matched. We express our gratitude to these men and women who defend the freedom America represents.
Religious freedom is too sacred a right to be restricted or prohibited in any degree without convincing proof that a legitimate interest of the state is in grave danger.
Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of religion all have a double aspect - freedom of thought and freedom of action.
And freedom is what America means to the world.
They were singing in French, but the melody was freedom and any American could understand that.
I Knew why I felt at home. The spirit of freedom was hovering over that play yard as it did all over France at that time. A country was free again.
Freedom comes from strength and self-reliance.
Secrecy is the freedom tyrants dream of.
One of the unsung freedoms that go with a free press is the freedom not to read it.