You don't fight racism with racism, the best way to fight racism is with solidarity.
Giving a 10-year mandatory minimum for a second offense fist fight is not going to reduce the chance that someone will be stabbed 16 times when you are not funding any of the programs that are desperately needed to actually reduce juvenile crime.
We can fight Big Industry.
The resistance that you fight physically in the gym and the resistance that you fight in life can only build a strong character.
I'm totally opposed to vouchers. I will fight them tooth and nail.
The problem was the journalists who also did not understand much of my music, but they wrote about it. I think you fell into the usual trap laid out by parts of the press and other writers: that the poor musician has always to fight the evil companies and managers.
I feel like I'm a fighter. I've fought my whole life to get to where I'm at. I like fight movies. When someone gets knocked down, I like to root for him to succeed.
The worker must have bread, but she must have roses, too. Help, you women of privilege, give her the ballot to fight with.
Switzerland is part of the fight against terrorism. There is no neutrality against this threat.
Looking back, I'm almost happy I lost that fight. Just imagine if I would have come back to Germany with a victory. I had nothing to do with the Nazis, but they would have given me a medal. After the war I might have been considered a war criminal.
No country in history ever sent mothers of toddlers off to fight enemy soldiers until the United States did this in the Iraq war.
When rich people fight wars with one another, poor people are the ones to die.
We must see our present fight right through to the very end.
Too often in Washington special interests urge us to fight one another just because we belong to different parties. It is time for this to stop and for Washington to focus on what needs to be done.
How do you tell troops who volunteered to fight for our freedoms that the country they fought for won't take care of them when they come back? In the time of war our troops and their families are supposed to be our number one priority.