When something is bothering me, I write a song that tells my feelings.
You should not believe your conscience and your feelings more than the word which the Lord who receives sinners preaches to you.
When I look back at The Judy Garland Show, I have such mixed feelings. It broke my mother's heart when they canceled it.
Some critics of my work took the view that a satirist should defer to the finer feelings of his readers and respect widely held beliefs.
Bunch together a group of people deliberately chosen for strong religious feelings, and you have a practical guarantee of dark morbidities expressed in crime, perversion, and insanity.
First feelings are always the most natural.
But, clearly to me, what I've come to see is that that happened because I didn't have enough feelings of self-worth. So that I didn't feel that... I was worthy of being number one to a man.
It was only as I wrote about it that I began to find paths of access to feelings that were intolerable to me then.
Well, I think again, the worst part of it was just leading up to it, before we got on set, at least for me... dreading this idea that I was just going to suck and I really had strong feelings about that. I just didn't want to be that weak link.
I'd much rather be in a movie that people have really strong feelings about than one that makes a hundred million dollars but you can't remember because it's just like all the others.
I'm not used to introspection. I've never lingered on my feelings. The show must go on.
To me, Ennis stands for the conservative side of America. He's the biggest homophobe in the whole movie - culturally and psychologically - but by the time he admits his feelings, it's too late.
Sentimentalism is the working off on yourself of feelings you haven't really got.
I felt my father's presence with me, helping me to commit to paper the feelings I had. I really heard my father speaking to me from the other dimension.
A lot of things happened when I left there, and to be fair they treated me really bad, and now I have to play against them so I don't have any feelings for them at all.