Every evening, I come home tired and have just enough energy to fill out the endless tax forms, to pay bills, not to let my house neglected and to hear the radio concert for an hour.
Often the presence of mind and energy of a person remote from the spotlight decide the course of history for centuries to come.
I stopped dating for six months a year ago. Dating requires a lot of energy and focus.
Each reform, therefore, improving the economical and political situation of the workers proves to be an arm that increases the energy with which the proletarian struggle of classes is fought.
I have witnessed the tremendous energy of the masses. On this foundation it is possible to accomplish any task whatsoever.
I don't quite have the energy for extra curricular activities. I have to pace myself a little bit more.
Men find it difficult because I've got so much energy and hardly sleep at night, only four or five hours. I wake up in the early hours and potter around.
First, we have to find a common vocabulary for energy security. This notion has a radically different meaning for different people. For Americans it is a geopolitical question. For the Europeans right now it is very much focused on the dependence on imported natural gas.
Even Silicon Valley investors have put well over a $1 billion in new energy technologies.
But that's not enough: To maintain energy security, one needs a supply system that provides a buffer against shocks. It needs large, flexible markets. And it's important to acknowledge the fact that the entire energy supply chain needs to be protected.
We are living in a new age of energy supply anxiety.
The starting point for energy security today as it has always been is diversification of supplies and sources.
Every conquering temptation represents a new fund of moral energy. Every trial endured and weathered in the right spirit makes a soul nobler and stronger than it was before.
If you've never felt that you quite got a hold of it, you just feel that before you die, you've got to try and get it right once. And hope that the experience you have makes up for the some of the diminishing energy.
Sex is energy.