It was a lack of system that made the '30s Depression as inevitable as all others previously suffered.
Examples one finds in the philosophical literature are somebody who's seen the trial of a child of theirs, where they're being proved guilty of some crime that would drive the parent into a depression, maybe a suicidal depression.
Unemployment is sky-rocketing; deflation is in our future for the first time since the Great Depression. I don't care whose fault it is, it's the truth.
It's a scary thing going into the workforce with a $50,000 debt and you've been trained as a classical theatre actor. There's always a depression in the theatre.
Because its hard to realize now that that was the end of the great depression, you know. All of a sudden all of this is in front of me and I'm solvent, you know. I'm making some money and I know where my next meal is coming from, and I have a new pair of shoes and that's it.
Depression is the inability to construct a future.
I'm happy, I would say that I'm one of the happiest people I know but I've certainly had periods of profound sadness, depression and heartache and those are the kind of things that are interesting to me to write about.
Enthusiasm is followed by disappointment and even depression, and then by renewed enthusiasm.
The Great War proved how confused the world is. Depression is proving it again.
The depths of the Depression. You didn't ask what the job was, what the pay was, you didn't ask about stock options, or - you said yes.
The Bluebird of Happiness long absent from his life, Ned is visited by the Chicken of Depression.
Although I was not aware of it at the time, the experience of growing up during the Great Depression was to have a profound impact on my intellectual and professional career.
In the last 5 years, American employers have lost over $150 billion of productivity to depression alone. That is more than the GDP of 28 different States during the same period.
We were in the heart of the ghetto in Chicago during the Depression, and every block - it was probably the biggest black ghetto in America - every block also is the spawning ground practically for every gangster, black and white, in America too.
The most striking development of the great depression of 1929 is a profound skepticism of the future of contemporary society among large sections of the American people.