The Lord called me to plant a church.
We went to church every Sunday. When I was a kid, the only time I sang was around my family.
If you were to look back at me as a school kid you'd see a very quiet little church mouse kind of character.
An angel is a spiritual creature created by God without a body for the service of Christendom and the church.
From education by the Church to education by Germanic value is a step of several generations.
I had said to some pastor that I was having thoughts, and the church turned on me. They went to my mom and said, So sorry about your son.
When Queer Eye hit, the church told my mom they were praying for me. She said, God loves him too. And I support him 100 percent.
I think my election is one of several indications that gay and lesbian folk are being brought more into the center of things. I'd like to think that my election signals my bringing of gay and lesbian folk into the center of the church.
There are enormously gifted Episcopal priests around this church who are gay and lesbian, some of whom are partnered, who would make wonderful bishops and they're going to be nominated and they're going to be elected.
If indeed this is the work of God... then it's a crisis that calls for the church to be its very best self, and not worry about risking itself for the right thing.
I think church and state should remain entirely separate at all costs, and that the decision of religious marriage should be of each faith to debate and decide free of political influence.
I sang in church choir all my life, through elementary school, junior high and high school.
I have a group of people, about 40, in a local church in Surrey in England, who pray for me regularly.
I teach metaphysics and pastor a church.
I went to a church where you could not sing out loud in the service until you had been saved.