I like to protect children. I mean, there's nothing wrong with having adult programming for mature adults that can selectively decide what they want to watch and what they don't want to watch.
I've actually become much, much dumber through being married and having these children. I find that I'm not half as sharp that I once was. I can't even help them with their 4th and 5th grade vocabulary and math work at this point.
Being a mother adds another emotional dimension, a feel for children that I didn't have before I had one. They were a pain before.
Research shows that parents are the single biggest influence on children - if you are worried about your teen and drugs, talk to them.
Parents of young children should realize that few people, and maybe no one, will find their children as enchanting as they do.
Adam's abduction was our private hell - but it was not an isolated incident. On any given day, any number of children are absent from their homes for diverse and numerous reasons.
The sexual abuse and exploitation of children is one of the most vicious crimes conceivable, a violation of mankind's most basic duty to protect the innocent.
The Children's Safety Act will help protect children from the perpetrators of these vile crimes by strengthening notification requirements for sex offenders and increasing criminal penalties.
We are prophetic interrogators. Why are so many people hungry? Why are so many people and families in our shelters? Why do we have one of six of our children poor, and one of three of these are children of color? 'Why?' is the prophetic question.
We have got some mountains to move. Three billion people - half of God's children - are living on less than $2 a day.
It is healthier, in any case, to write for the adults one's children will become than for the children one's "mature" critics often are.
A suburban mother's role is to deliver children obstetrically once, and by car forever after.
Who of us is mature enough for offspring before the offspring themselves arrive? The value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults.
The value of marriage is not that adults produce children but that children produce adults.
Obviously, our children, who have been playing with their computers since the age of five or six, don't have quite the same brain as those who were brought up on wooden or metal toys, whose brains are certainly atrophied by comparison.