I probably wouldn't make a good accountant. I don't even understand what my accountant tells me. But the character is a sort of exaggerated version of me, he's a little more frightened than I am, everything seems so much bigger to him than it does to me.
I thought I would keep the first name Susan and change the last name but I picked up this book and as I opened it the lead character in it was called Morgan Brittany.
The only time in my career prior to that I played an evil character was in 'The Twilight Zone'.
I love the part of Hector as it takes me back to playing eccentric parts. He is a funny character, which is fine by me as I've been playing for laughs for decades now! It's lovely to get a laugh; it's the best thing in the world!
For four years doing that same character all the time kind of bothered me. Butit opened up a lot of doors.
What are the aspects of yourself that line up with the character? You magnify those, and the ones that don't match up you kind of kick to the curb.
My favorite roles usually have to do with the story, if it's a good story I usually enjoy doing the character.
To me, the psychology behind the character is critical. So I work very hard to get into the mind of the man that I'm going to be playing, because number one, I want to understand why he's doing what he's doing. It's essential, it's absolutely essential.
I put myself into character for my songs.
In Shakespearean tragedy the main source of the convulsion which produces suffering and death is never good: good contributes to this convulsion only from its tragic implication with its opposite in one and the same character.
Nor does the idea of a moral order asserting itself against attack or want of conformity answer in full to our feelings regarding the tragic character.
And while I might not always agree with the viewpoint I have to portray, because I play a district attorney, as an actress I can always tell myself that my character is trying to take the moral high ground.
I think every leading man wants to be a character actor, and every character actor wants to be a leading man.
I have discovered that we may be in some degree whatever character we choose. Besides, practice forms a man to anything.
We're getting rewarded. We don't give up on the play and we show some character at the same time, but there is a long way for us to get to where we want to be.