In playing the part of Mammy, I tried to make her a living, breathing character, the way she appeared to me in the book.
I'm drawn particularly to stories that evolve out of the character of the protagonist.
It's a dead give away of an inexperienced writer if every character speaks with the same voice.
Cancer Boy probably has the saddest, noblest, sweetest heart of any character I've ever done.
Will isn't a screaming queen - that's Jack's part. They needed someone to play the part for America. It's just not the same as Britain. To have a gay character as a lead is risky.
I've been allowed to develop my own character, which I'm still working on.
The American character looks always as if it had just had a rather bad haircut, which gives it, in our eyes at any rate, a greater humanity than the European, which even among its beggars has an all too professional air.
I remember that it was never that difficult for me to get a director to look up and pay attention to me. Mind you, I don't know if that's necessarily charm. But I've played roles where my character has to be charming and I've found it quite easy to do. I think some of it is in my bones, but some of it is more deliberate.
I kind of embarked on a fruitless search to find information about my character, Frederick Aiken. And it was fruitless, unfortunately, because there's so little about him.
I also really liked playing Mr. Tumnus in 'Narnia'. I got to play my favorite character in children's literature, which I loved. You don't get the chance to do that in other jobs.
After a while, the character sort of took over.
I think by that time I knew where Chewie was going, and he left me to do what was called for, because the character had been well established. You know, it was like putting on a second skin by that time.
George has only got to ring me. His imagination is so wonderful, I'd do any character he might create.
I think the main thing was that the character couldn't speak in regular language, so he had to be mimed.
When you consider that you're a character that doesn't speak, but you've still got to react to the other actors, you've got to make a noise of some kind.