When we did a lot of that Motown stuff there were four of us on the front line. When we started the evening we'd start from one end of the band and just go along. The lead singer would change all the time. That's the first time that I actually managed to put it into a record.
I definitely don't look my age. So I actively look for roles that will help people change their perception of me.
Well, the first thing to say is that we've worked hard to maintain compatibility, so that any program written with an earlier version of Mathematica can run without change in 3.0, and any notebook can be converted.
Perhaps that is why the novel flourished in England. You had these communities that would stay put and people would see one another all the time and cause one another to change and have the opportunity to observe the changes over time.
The attitude is we live and let live. This is actually an amazing change in values in a rather short time and it's an example of freedom from religion.
The threat to free television. The reason television is free is because it is a life support system for commercials. That fundamental aspect is about to change.
The environment doesn't change that radically. You are still going to go home at night and NBC is going to be there, ABC and CBS will still be there.
In Einstein's general relativity the structure of space can change but not its topology. Topology is the property of something that doesn't change when you bend it or stretch it as long as you don't break anything.
It's indeed surprising that replacing the elementary particle with a string leads to such a big change in things. I'm tempted to say that it has to do with the fuzziness it introduces.
There was a long history of speculation that in quantum gravity, unlike Einstein's classical theory, it might be possible for the topology of spacetime to change.
Acting is magical. Change your look and your attitude, and you can be anyone.
If you continually write and read yourself as a fiction, you can change what's crushing you.
I don't read reviews because by then it's too late - whatever anyone says, the book won't change. It is written.
I don't write for any group. I write to bring about a change in consciousness.
After living in LA for 8 years, I sort of wanted a change, but there's not much production in New York, which is where I primarily live, so I just sort of drifted over to London.