By encouraging its citizens to violate our border, Mexico is pushing a tremendous welfare burden off of its shoulders and onto ours, while also benefiting from the significant sums of U.S. currency that these workers will eventually send back home to their families.
Humanity has the stars in its future, and that future is too important to be lost under the burden of juvenile folly and ignorant superstition.
Prejudice is a burden that confuses the past, threatens the future and renders the present inaccessible.
When I got the money, the whole burden descended on me, and the realization of what I had done. And it led me then to make the further step, a change of loyalties.
To the extent that I considered the personal burden of harming the people who had trusted me, plus the Agency, or the United States, I wasn't processing that.
The most powerful person is he who is able to do least himself and burden others most with the things for which he lends his name and pockets the credit.
History is not a burden on the memory but an illumination of the soul.
If the past has been an obstacle and a burden, knowledge of the past is the safest and the surest emancipation.
When I was a kid, no one would believe anything positive that you could say about black people. That's a terrible burden.
I think race has been a burden for black Americans. Being Muslim has also been a challenge because so many people do not understand Islam.