Beyond that, states had to also have electronic voting machines that made it possible for people who are physically handicapped to vote in private... and the computerized voting machine made it very easy for, particularly, the blind.
Still falls the rain - dark as the world of man, black as our loss - blind as the nineteen hundred and forty nails upon the Cross.
I have to tell them that last night was a shameful train wreck filled with blind cuddly puppies.
I studied with a blind teacher from about 5 until I was 16, at two different schools. From the age of 12 until 16, I was in a boarding school-which, I believe, at that time was compulsory for blind children.
The moment we want to believe something, we suddenly see all the arguments for it, and become blind to the arguments against it.
In my mind I'm a blind man doin' time.
Love to faults is always blind, always is to joy inclined. Lawless, winged, and unconfined, and breaks all chains from every mind.
They who assert that a blind fatality produced the various effects we behold in this world talk very absurdly; for can anything be more unreasonable than to pretend that a blind fatality could be productive of intelligent beings?
Will power is to the mind like a strong blind man who carries on his shoulders a lame man who can see.
There is no question that Iraq is one of the main problems. You'd have to be blind not to see what a magnet and generating force it's become for terrorist groups.
I try to live my life every day in the present, and try not to turn a blind eye to injustice and need.
I think we are blind. Blind people who can see, but do not see.
He's very alive in a scene. He's a very good actor to act with. Even though through most of the picture he's blind, there are many places early in the picture I got to be with him before he was blind. Like convincing him in the office to do the picture.
Subjective artists are one-eyed, but objective artists are blind.
I might show facts as plain as day: but, since your eyes are blind, you'd say, "Where? What?" and turn away.