We're here to bring beauty to the world and make a difference in this planet. That's what art forms are about.
Directing is a tremendous art.
You get people talking about being worried about their art, and dances... their culture being wiped out or taken over, and yet these same people are taking advantage of their people to use them as cheap labour.
Thought is a strenuous art - few practice it, and then only at rare times.
As humans we look at things and think about what we've looked at. We treasure it in a kind of private art gallery.
Does any art have a practical value? People love to talk about how expensive a painting is. That's the only way we can talk about paintings in this century.
I spent much of my later childhood and adolescence very, very involved and interested in art, and particularly in animated movies.
Science and art, or by the same token, poetry and prose differ from one another like a journey and an excursion. The purpose of the journey is its goal, the purpose of an excursion is the process.
It takes two years on the stage for an actor or an actress to learn how to speak correctly and to manage his voice properly, and it takes about ten years to master the subtle art of being able to hold one's audience.
When I was an art student in the early 60's before the acid scene began I was smoking pot just like anyone else who was an artist.
Then I abandoned comics for fine art because I had some romantic vision of being like Vincent Van Gogh Jr.
I went to an art school in Brooklyn and painted Fine Art, if that's what you'd call it for eight years in New York, until I saw the first underground comics in the East Village Other.
And, consequently, the art of propaganda or public information becomes one of the most powerful forms of directive statesmanship.
And as I reinvent myself and I'm constantly curious about everything, I can't wait to see what's around the corner in newfound art and entertainment and exploration.
I think it should be ambitious and good music does deal with life and art and all these wonderful things.