I'd rather do theater and British films than move to LA in hopes of getting small roles in American films.
The people like the American Legion Post that gave us a chance to play. A place to play and a chance to play.
I have found that many other countries will buy off on anything American. As much as they hate us, they want to be us more than anything.
Property as compared with humanity, as compared with the red blood in the American people, must take second place, not first place.
Sometimes people call me an idealist. Well, that is the way I know I am an American. America is the only idealistic nation in the world.
The American Revolution was a beginning, not a consummation.
What's interesting is the show allows for the awkward pauses to be captured, which makes it stylistically unique, especially for American audiences.
Giving the same value to fiction as to fact in the interest of so-called fairness is to mislead the American people and the press has become party to that.
There is no way the American public will sit still for the banning of or putting any significant restrictions on the kinds of guns they want.
Miles Davis was doing something inherently African, something that has to do with all forms of American music, not just jazz.
I like The White Stripes and I like the kinda twang American thing right now.
Baseball gives every American boy a chance to excel, not just to be as good as someone else but to be better than someone else. This is the nature of man and the name of the game.
Let's be careful when we start comparing American to European tolerance because there isn't necessarily a lot of European tolerance.
Americans are overreaching; overreaching is the most admirable and most American of the many American excesses.
Look, three love affairs in history, are Abelard and Eloise, Romeo and Juliet and the American media and this President at the moment. But this doesn't matter over time. Reality will impinge. If his programs work, he's fine. If it doesn't work, all of the adulation of journalists in the world won't matter.