To be President of the United States, sir, is to act as advocate for a blind, venomous, and ungrateful client.
When I doing dinner theater in high school, I was talking to a woman who had been in the business for a while and I said I want to act, that's all I want to do with my life and she said if you're serious then you need to hone every discipline you can.
There's a lot of reasons you can think of to say why you act, but I can only say that it just felt good. At the same time, it felt really painful. It's still troubling and stressful to me.
The tragedy of bold, forthright, industrious people is that they act so continuously without much thinking, that it becomes dry and empty.
I've always wanted to act and I can't think of anything else I'd want to do, honestly.
I've always wanted to act since I was little.
I've always thought a hotel ought to offer optional small animals. I mean a cat to sleep on your bed at night, or a dog of some kind to act pleased when you come in. You ever notice how a hotel room feels so lifeless?
I love to act, and I try to be challenged by what I do.
I don't want to act just to be on the screen doing anything and looking any kind of way.
As I traveled from one country to another, no one knew anything about me. So I could be anybody, I could speak as I wished, act as I wished, dress as I wished.
My husband says I can do anything I put my mind to, but the truth i, the only thing I want to do is act.
Most of us harbour a significant amount of subconscious fear about death, and act out of this fear in our daily lives.
And this is the Anarchistic definition of the State: the embodiment of the principle of invasion in an individual, or a band of individuals, assuming to act as representatives or masters of the entire people within a given area.
And capital punishment, however ineffective it may be and through whatever ignorance it may be resorted to, is a strictly defensive act, - at least in theory.
Murder is an offensive act. The term cannot be applied legitimately to any defensive act.