I would love to be the poet laureate of Coney Island.
A play visibly represents pure existing.
Love is an energy which exists of itself. It is its own value.
Literature is the orchestration of platitudes.
It is very necessary to have markers of beauty left in a world seemingly bent on making the most evil ugliness.
It is only in appearance that time is a river. It is rather a vast landscape and it is the eye of the beholder that moves.
In advertising, not to be different is virtual suicide.
If I wasn't an actor, I'd be a secret agent.
Man is not an end but a beginning. We are at the beginning of the second week. We are children of the eighth day.
I know that every good and excellent thing in the world stands moment by moment on the razor-edge of danger and must be fought for.
I am convinced that, except in a few extraordinary cases, one form or another of an unhappy childhood is essential to the formation of exceptional gifts.
Hope, like faith, is nothing if it is not courageous; it is nothing if it is not ridiculous.
For what human ill does not dawn seem to be an alleviation?
Every good thing in the world stands on the razor-edge of danger.
Many plays - certainly mine - are like blank checks. The actors and directors put their own signatures on them.