A strong mind always hopes, and has always cause to hope.
Endurance is patience concentrated.
A man's felicity consists not in the outward and visible blessing of fortune, but in the inward and unseen perfections and riches of the mind.
Conviction never so excellent, is worthless until it coverts itself into conduct.
A man willing to work, and unable to find work, is perhaps the saddest sight that fortune's inequality exhibits under this sun.
A man lives by believing something: not by debating and arguing about many things.
A man cannot make a pair of shoes rightly unless he do it in a devout manner.
A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.
A laugh, to be joyous, must flow from a joyous heart, for without kindness, there can be no true joy.
The three great elements of modern civilization, Gun powder, Printing, and the Protestant religion.
No amount of ability is of the slightest avail without honor.
A person who is gifted sees the essential point and leaves the rest as surplus.
Everywhere in life, the true question is not what we gain, but what we do.
He who could foresee affairs three days in advance would be rich for thousands of years.
Happy the people whose annals are vacant.