Why is it trivia? People call it trivia because they know nothing and they are embarrassed about it.
The person who comes up to you and makes the most noise and is the most intrusive is invariably the person in the room who has no respect for you at all, and it's really all about them.
What you do is get the right director and the right screenwriter and the right cast. It's a fantastic job.
When you are new to the business, you think if you give a really bad performance, that's one they will print. You will be judged. You just have to be brave.
Ninety percent of people's nightmares is standing in front of 1,000 people. Did you know that? And having to speak. You would have thought it would have been a madman tying you up and taking your eyes out.
See, what you're meant to do when you have a mid-life crisis is buy a fast car, aren't you? Well, I've always had fast cars. It's not that. It's the fear that you're past your best. It's the fear that the stuff you've done in the past is your best work.
My dad? He died when I was 19, which is a bad time for your dad to die, because there's an awful lot of things you have to resolve with your parents past your teens if you've been a difficult teenager.
It's hell with that big beard and stuff. That's the one bit I don't like. Either you take out at lunch or you don't eat. So I opted not to eat, 'cause having to put it on twice is horrific.
It was quite instant that he wanted Harry's approval. Did you notice that? And the children sort of rescued him this time. It's a great turnabout. That's what happens as your children get older. They do things for you, and it's quite shocking when they do.
Is it just me, or is the world full of beautiful women?
I've signed on for four movies, and I'll do four. That's easy. No complications there.
I've got two young kids. I don't know what the future holds.
I think the shocking thing to discover is the owls are not stupid and very feral, very hard to train.
I sometimes worry that all the beautiful things have been made.
I mean, I'm obviously not one of those people who's so beautiful women take their clothes off when I walk into the room. I didn't become a star overnight.