Creative people are very insecure people because they don't know whether people like them or are in awe of them. That insecurity always comes out. It makes them a better actor, I feel.
Everybody told me to stay in Hollywood. This was the place they said I could have a big career. What they failed to mention was that no one would quite know what to do with me.
Gene Roddenberry was a genius.
I also had this artist friend who'd paint butterflies and things like that on my head.
I just have beautiful memories of what has happened in my life.
I only went to one Star Trek convention and that was in the late '80s. I hadn't gone to a convention before that. It was quite amusing, with the people dressed up and all of that.
I was thrilled, because I like the big screen and I could then move on to the next thing. It was the biggest break for me. In a way, though, I wish it had been a TV series because then you are working for five years.
I'm going down in history with Star Trek. It's a great feeling.
If there is an exotic woman it's always a terrorist role.
Maybe I'm being philosophical and spiritual, but I believe that if you put negative energy out there that that is what will come back.
One thing about me, as far as my career is concerned, is that I'm very confident. I know I'm good.
I arrived in Hollywood and lived much of my life in America, but the fans did not really know me.
Basically, they had asked me if I would shave my head or wear a bald cap. I said look, if you are doing a series for five years I would want to shave my hair because I would go bald with all the gum and glue from the bald cap.