It is true that we are made of dust. And the world is also made of dust. But the dust has motes rising.
The standpoint of the man who relies on religious experience for capturing Reality must always remain individual and incommunicable.
Man is primarily governed by passion and instinct.
Sexual self-restraint is only a preliminary stage in the ego's evolution.
That is why, according to this newer psychology, Christianity has already fulfilled its biological mission, and it is impossible for the modern man to understand its original significance.
The possibility of a scientific treatment of history means a wider experience, a greater maturity of practical reason, and finally a fuller realization of certain basic ideas regarding the nature of life and time.
The soul is neither inside nor outside the body; neither proximate to nor separate from it.
Inductive reason, which alone makes man master of his environment, is an achievement; and when once born it must be reinforced by inhibiting the growth of other modes of knowledge.