There are absolutely no problems that had anything to do with Jeff's departure.
The problems in California have been that it's been very difficult to site and build new power plants.
Our liquidity is fine. As a matter of fact, it's better than fine. It's strong.
Investors don't like uncertainty.
In the case of Enron, we balance our positions all the time.
I've been a strong financial and political supporter of, first, President Bush Sr. when he was running for president, and even when he ran for president a time or two and failed.
I take full responsibility for what happened at Enron. But saying that, I know in my mind that I did nothing criminal.
I have to take responsibility for anything that happened within its businesses.
We see ourselves as first helping to open up markets to competition.
The last thing I would have ever expected to happen to me in my life would be that, in fact, I would be accused of doing something wrong and maybe even something criminal.
We don't break the law.