Well, the sales of our products clearly demonstrate their value to businesses and to individuals.
Well, another market is being created now out of Internet technology.
We're no longer a small business; we're a large organization spread around the world. I can't imagine Netscape growing as fast as it has if it weren't for the way we use our products.
We're building a great company, and we're very excited about the future of the company.
Of course, nothing happens until somebody sells something.
We can provide beta software to our developers in advance of the general public. We can easily link up with external partners, customers, and suppliers.
We also provide a lot of services with our consulting group that allow people to take maximum advantage of the Net economy. Those all seem to resonate with customers and are providing a good strong base going forward.
There are no pat answers - we're pushing through some new frontiers, and lessons of the past don't always apply.
The ability of our people to think quickly and create great products in this whole new world of Internet open standards is not only essential to our success but is also one of the things that impresses me most about Netscape.
That's the ultimate gratification in any business situation - do customers buy the product? And do they use it and do they come back and buy more of it?
Where we can compete on merit, we do very well.
We provide many options in many product areas that they seem to want to adopt, and that's working well for us.