I got involved because I wanted to help inspire more people to get off their butts and register and vote - not just in this election, but in every other election from now on, you know?
I'm totally down with insurrection in the street. I've had a great time with that over the years. Insurrection in the voting booth is the other part of the equation.
If you love god, burn a church.
So basically the understanding on these so-called reissues is that they were done behind my back, without my permission, and the band informed me that I would no longer be paid on them at all.
The Sonics I found later and that was pretty important.
The last true punk band to get a major label contract was The Dickies.
I didn't really start writing music or lyrics or turning them into songs until I went to San Francisco.
The jury had down right contempt for punk rock grass roots ethics.
It depends on the situation. I mean, on one hand there's the argument that people should be left alone on the other hand, there's the argument to wade in a stop slaughters in places like Bosnia and Kosovo and what we probably should have done in Rwanda.
Punk is not dead. Punk will only die when corporations can exploit and mass produce it.
Let me start by saying, I'm utterly disgusted with the former members of the Dead Kennedys.