Anything outside marriage seems like freedom and excitement.
Always in my books, I like to throw that rogue element into a stable situation and then see what happens.
Academics love to make theories about a body of work, but each book consumes the writer and is the sum of his or her world.
I am a writer who happens to love women. I am not a lesbian who happens to write.
I like to look at how people work together when they are put into stressful situations, when life stops being cozy.
I like to think the price I paid by being open about my private life helped.
I never wanted children. If I'd been deeply in love with a man and he'd wanted children, it would have been difficult.
I never cared about money.
You play. You win. You play. You lose. You play.
I don't write for any group. I write to bring about a change in consciousness.
I think heterosexuality and homosexuality are a kind of psychosis, and the truth is somewhere in the middle.