There are few virtuous women who are not bored with their trade.
There are crimes which become innocent and even glorious through their splendor, number and excess.
There are but very few men clever enough to know all the mischief they do.
There are bad people who would be less dangerous if they were quite devoid of goodness.
There are a great many men valued in society who have nothing to recommend them but serviceable vices.
The word virtue is as useful to self-interest as the vices.
The virtues and vices are all put in motion by interest.
The sure way to be cheated is to think one's self more cunning than others.
There are very few people who are not ashamed of having been in love when they no longer love each other.
We always love those who admire us, but we do not always love those whom we admire.
We are so used to dissembling with others that in time we come to deceive and dissemble with ourselves.
We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others that in the end we become disguised to ourselves.
We are nearer loving those who hate us than those who love us more than we wish.
We are more often treacherous through weakness than through calculation.
We are more interested in making others believe we are happy than in trying to be happy ourselves.