When you are in deep conflict about something, sometimes the most trivial thing can tip the scales.
My beloved Mom and Pop always rated tops with each other, and that's the way it will always be.
My career at Warner Brothers consisted of one musical short subject. I was running around in a bear skin. Very chic.
My father taught me to read music and play the piano-but not well, even though people have said that I'm a natural musician.
Of my four marriages, the one to Bob Levitt is the only one I don't regret.
Once I had all the attention, all I had to do was deliver.
The slapdash way producers used to assemble a show seems a little unbelievable when we talk about them now.
There have been people who have tried to take advantage of me. They want to be linked to me just because I'm Ethel Merman.
I was lucky enough to have the songs in my first show written by George and Ira Gershwin. Then Cole Porter wrote five shows for me.
When I'm asked how to succeed in show business, I always say I haven't the foggiest.
Music, in the past few years... anything singable or understandable is square.
There's such a thing as theater discipline. One player doesn't appropriate another's inventions.
I'll admit - I was honored to be on the cover of Time.
I work as often as I want and yet I'm free as a bird.
I wouldn't trust any man as far as you can throw a piano.