Dogs are better than human beings because they know but do not tell.
Celebrity is the chastisement of merit and the punishment of talent.
Behavior is what a man does, not what he thinks, feels, or believes.
If I read a book and it makes my whole body so cold no fire can ever warm me, I know that is poetry.
Beauty is not caused. It is.
If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.
A word is dead when it is said, some say. I say it just begins to live that day.
Because I could not stop for death, He kindly stopped for me; The carriage held but just ourselves and immortality.
Whenever a thing is done for the first time, it releases a little demon.
Where thou art, that is home.
Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality.
Truth is so rare that it is delightful to tell it.
To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee, One clover, and a bee, And revery. The revery alone will do, If bees are few.
To love is so startling it leaves little time for anything else.
To live is so startling it leaves little time for anything else.