I do what I can to make young people understand that drugs can destroy their lives. I'm the perfect example of what people can accomplish when they have regained a sane body and spirit.
I had no idea what I was going to do when they threw me out of school.
I joined the PBA way before I should have because I heard a rumor they were going to limit the number of people who could get in.
I made a decision that whether or not I was going to make under the national poverty level wasn't going to play a part in whether or not I was an actor. That's what I do.
I could hear and feel music going on in me, and I couldn't get it out. You can always depend on a guitar.
I struggled for 15 years in this business before Miami Vice came along.
I try to parent equally, but I think little girls are a little more sensitive.
I was a little, skinny, runt kid, and I decided that bowling was what I was going to do in life.
I pestered the hell out of everybody I ran into until I could play the guitar well enough to write and sing with it.
I consider myself an artist. God granted me some gifts so that I could express myself artistically.
I can do whatever I want - I'm rich, I'm famous, and I'm bigger than you.
I am seriously opposed to censorship of any sort.
Hollywood is very much an industry town. Your life becomes caught up in all of the parties and this list and that list. That's not something that I respond well to.
Being with all those great bowlers was the greatest three days I ever had.
People in the business will stay with you through drugs and alcohol and divorces and insanity and everything else, but you have a failure, pal, and they don't want to know nothing about you!