In this house, we obey the laws of thermodynamics!
There are times when the writers ask us to improvise. Sometimes the animators are inspired by what you do, and sometimes you are inspired by what the animators do.
After years of doing it, you learn the difference between your ego and your opinion. When you're married you have to cut through that.
Beer. Now there's a temporary solution.
Don't eat me. I have a wife and kids. Eat them.
Getting out of jury duty is easy. The trick is to say you're prejudiced against all races.
Go ahead and play the blues if it'll make you happy.
I always enjoyed writing. I did playlets in high school, I did radio shows in college. That's one of the reasons I went down to Second City, because you could do acting and writing.
I think that most people don't even know that I do other things. They think that Homer is all that I do.
I think the tone of the show has certainly changed over the years, because it's really, really hard to do something different when you have a show going on as long as this has.
I've made a kind of pact with myself where I said, It doesn't matter what it is as long as I'm acting.
Sometimes the only way you can feel good about yourself is by making someone else look bad. And I'm tired of making other people feel good about themselves.
The Simpsons take up so little time that I'm able to do other things as well.
The voice doesn't take a lot of effort now, but in the beginning it was hard to try to find a voice. The one I settled on was just easier to do for a half-hour.
To many, Homer may appear lazy and a loser, but he's just much misguided. He's boorish, sure, but well meaning and, I guess, the one thing we have in common is the pursuit of lousy diets.