The innovative spirit was America's strongest attribute, transforming everything into a brave new world, but there lingered an insecurity about the arts.
There is a single thread of attitude, a single direction of flow, that joins our present time to its early burgeoning in Mediterranean civilization.
There is an increasing awareness of the interrelatedness of things. We are becoming less prone to accept an immediate solution without questioning its larger implications.
The way of architecture is the quiet voice that underlies it and has guided it from the beginning.
The tourist transports his own values and demands to his destinations and implants them like an infectious disease, decimating whatever values existed before.
The Renaissance is studded by the names of the artists and architects, with their creations recorded as great historical events.
The obsession with performance left no room for the development of the intuitive or spiritual impact of space and form other than the aesthetic of the machine itself.
The new architecture of transparency and lightness comes from Japan and Europe.
The heart, not the head, must be the guide.
The great dream merchant Disney was a success because make-believe was what everyone seemed to need in a spiritually empty land.
Bankers cannot afford to be concerned with only the economic aspects of projects. There may be serious implications on the natural environment, the urban environment, on human culture.
Architecture doesn't come from theory. You don't think your way through a building.
Ancient Rome was as confident of the immutability of its world and the continual expansion and improvement of the human lot as we are today.
Western history has been a history of deed done, actions performed and results achieved.
There is little doubt that we are in the midst of a revolution of a much more profound and fundamental nature than the social and political revolutions of the last half century.