Humor can help you cope with the unbearable so that you can stay on the bright side of things until the bright side actually comes along.
Humor does not diminish the pain - it makes the space around it get bigger.
Humor expands our limited picture frame and gets us to see more than just our problem.
I contend that not only can you laugh at adversity, but it is essential to do so if you are to deal with setbacks without defeat.
In looking for humor, keep in mind this guideline: Sometimes it takes a little time to see the humor in your upsets; you may not find something to laugh about immediately.
When times get tough, at some point, people instinctively know they need to lighten up in order to get through it.
Today's business and health care climate may not be pleasant. Cutbacks, pay cuts and layoffs do not make anyone's job easy. But that does not mean that the humor need stop.
Children remind us to treasure the smallest of gifts, even in the most difficult of times.