The main reason why men and women make different aesthetic judgments is the fact that the latter, generally incapable of abstraction, only admire what meets their complete approval.
We in this Congress have a choice. The American people have a right to exercise a choice on this issue, as to whether our men and women will continue to fight and die in a war based on deception and fantasy, or to start bringing the troops home.
Before I leave this Earth, I would like to know they have given women the same benefits and promotions as men.
Give us a chance to show you that those so-called protective laws to aid women - however well intentioned originally - have become in fact restraints, which keep wife, abandoned wife, and widow alike from supporting her family.
Women are allowed more freedoms and we're fighting for more freedoms, we're experiencing more freedoms won.
All societies on the verge of death are masculine. A society can survive with only one man; no society will survive a shortage of women.
I have always been principally interested in men for sex. I've always thought any sane woman would be a lover of women because loving men is such a mess. I have always wished I'd fall in love with a woman. Damn.
Perhaps women have always been in closer contact with reality than men: it would seem to be the just recompense for being deprived of idealism.
I didn't fight to get women out from behind vacuum cleaners to get them onto the board of Hoover.
The surest guide to the correctness of the path that women take is joy in the struggle. Revolution is the festival of the oppressed.
The sight of women talking together has always made men uneasy; nowadays it means rank subversion.
Women have very little idea of how much men hate them.
Women are reputed never to be disgusted. The sad fact is that they often are, but not with men; following the lead of men, they are most often disgusted with themselves.
I am thrilled yet overwhelmed. There are so many great women athletes, some incredible performances.
Somebody who's really comfortable with who she is and doesn't care what other people think. I like women who are really strong and were brought up to be comfortable with themselves and respect themselves.