The purely agitational attitude is not good enough for a detailed consideration of a subject.
We believe that the vote would have been close. We regret that in the face of an explicit threat to veto by a permanent member, the vote-counting became a secondary consideration.
Courteousness is consideration for others; politeness is the method used to deliver such considerations.
Within the hearts men, loyalty and consideration are esteemed greater than success.
We know they are doing their job in committee, that they are brilliant men, smart men, and that they are on the job all the time. We're just human beings down here-all different. We take all these things into consideration. You can't help it.
Friends, near or far, are important to us. All of ours have an awareness of other persons' feelings, a courtesy that's inevitable. When I find that consideration in a fan, I'm immediately impressed.
I can't wait til I get the chance to be a character and how my face looks isn't the first consideration.
The least consideration of any film I've ever worked on is who is right for it.
I'd be stupid not to take into consideration that there are certain things people will not consider me for because my name is Lopez. And I know I can do any kind of role. I don't want anybody to say, Oh, she can't pull this off. So those are barriers that you have to overcome.
I fancy that no good ideas upon that campaign will be mentioned at any time that did not receive their share of consideration by General Lee.
The consideration of change over the century is about loss, though I think that social change is gain rather than loss.
Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration.
After mature consideration it was unanimously agreed, that, to prevent as much as possible their attempting to return and molest the settlers that may be set down on their lands, a sufficient number of vessels should be hired with all possible expedition for that purpose.
Confederation is a compact, made originally by four provinces but adhered to by all the nine provinces who have entered it, and I submit to the judgment of this house and to the best consideration of its members, that this compact should not be lightly altered.
Something like The Haunting is not worth the slightest consideration from me.