It would be great some day to have astronauts in a rover on Mars. But just about anyone except an oil company executive would say its more important to have 50 million solar powered vehicles in the United States.
I was unaware of the dispute in Brooklyn. I would never knowingly wear any clothes or support any company who produced clothing with alleged wage and labor violations.
The most peaceable way for you, if you do take a thief, is, to let him show himself what he is and steal out of your company.
For example, in my own State of Arizona, an Israeli scientist is working with an Arizona company on a demonstration project involving a very fast-growing algae which can be used to power a biomass energy plan.
The Hudson's Bay Company has always been the guardian angel of the north.
The name Peace River itself is the monument of a successful effort on the part of the Company to bring about a better understanding between the Crees and the Beavers.
Yahoo! is the only company with both scale and leadership in branded and search advertising.
I don't think that Yahoo or any other Internet company should try to become a television network. We will be nowhere if we have to create our own content.
I myself am a builder and get totally excited about building Yahoo! as a brand and building it into a bigger and better company. That's what I intend to do.
I was wildly out of style when that television theme song suddenly pushed its way onto the Top Ten. It was certainly not the record company trying to make that happen.
I am looking forward to being part of the E! team. This unique opportunity allows my company to take the next step in providing multimedia content.
MPC, Moving Picture Company, they're really excellent, they did the majority of the effects.
Every actor I ever meet goes, 'Ultimately I plan on having my own company and write and direct,' but yes, I too would love to write and direct a movie. I want to do a play, too. I want to do it all.
I'd like to see the health care professionals making decisions, not some bureaucrat in Indianapolis working for an insurance company.
Never let an inventor run a company. You can never get him to stop tinkering and bring something to market.